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10Мова оригіналу10
Англійська Happy new year 2006!
Happy new year 2006 to all visitors :)

[b]What has changed since the last news entry?[/b]

- has grown fast as there are now more than [link=u__]1900 members[/link] and about 20 new members a day. Many new languages have been added to the interface: Chinese, Hebrew, Swedish, and Brazilian Portuguese. A big thanks to the members who translated it.

- The [link=p__]project section[/link] is up and running but nobody knows how it works :) . It's mainly dedicated to webmasters who want to translate their websites. They can submit their text to be translated on and invite their visitors to translate on will get new members and the webmasters will be able to use the translation engine of and the expertise of members.

- An affiliation program has been developed to reward those who put a link on their personal websites or blogs to talk about Instead of using the [note][/note] classic url, you can use this url: [linkid=w_in_[userid]]. [transrefid=464] There is also a similar affiliation link for the webmasters who manage a project on, to invite their visitors to translate their website on, with the same advantages: [linkid=w_in_myProjectId].

- The multi-language Babylon dictionary has been inserted on the translation pages at the bottom of the side menu. It's a very useful tool and it's not intrusive at all.

- The wiki engine has been set. Some parts of the interface, as well as details and tutorials about how the website should be used, are now embedded in wiki articles. Wiki articles are more flexible than the language files of the interface, as they can be edited at any time by any member. The wiki articles of the interface can also be translated from the [link=t__]translation homepage[/link] using the link "[transrefid=865]".

- It's now possible to post comments on all parts of the website, including news and wiki articles.

[b]What's next?[/b]

- A language course section is currently under development. Each member of will be able to create a wiki lesson about his favorite language.

- A java applet is under development to offer the possibility to record and play back audio samples for the language courses.

- A java or flash applet will be developed to draw illustrations for the language courses.

- I don't understand why the ratio of members having done at least one translation is so small... Maybe I should try to improve the interface and I need [link=f__]your feed back[/link] on this...
Keep the tags "[...]" untranslated.

Завершені переклади
Арабська عام جديد سعيد 2006!
Німецька Frohes neues Jahr 2006!
Французька Bonne année 2006!
Есперанто Feliĉigan novan jaron 2006
Турецька 2006 yılınız kutlu olsun!
Албанська Gezuar vitin e ri 2006!
Португальська Feliz Ano Novo 2006!
Румунська La mulÅ£i ani 2006!
Голландська Gelukkig Nieuwjaar 2006 !
Іспанська Feliz 2006!
Каталанська Feliç Any Nou 2006!
Шведська Gott nytt Ã¥r 2006!
Китайська спрощена 狗年吉祥!
Італійська Felice anno nuovo : 2006
Російська С Новым 2006 годом!!!
Давньоєврейська שנת 2006 שמחה!
Болгарська Да ви е честита новата 2006 година!
Японська 謹賀新年!
Мова оригіналу
Англійська Language-comment-lesson
Language used to comment the lesson
It's about a language lesson. There are 2 languages in the lesson : the taught language and the language used to describe and explain the lesson. "Language used to comment the lesson" represents the latest.

Завершені переклади
Арабська لغة -تعليق -درس
Італійська Lingua-commentare-lezione
Румунська Limbă-comentare-lecÅ£ie
Каталанська Llengua-comentar-lliçó
Іспанська Lengua-comentar-lección
Турецька Lisan-yorum-ders
Німецька Zum Kommentieren der Lektion verwendete Sprache
Китайська 語言-註解-課文
Албанська Gjuhë-koment-mësim
Португальська (Бразилія) idioma-comentar-lição
Португальська Língua-commentary-lição
Болгарська Eзик-коментар-урок
Польська JÄ™zyk użyty do komentowania lekcji
Китайська спрощена 语言-注释-课文
Японська 言語コメントレッスン
Голландська Taal-commentaar-les
Есперанто leciona komenta lingvo
Давньоєврейська שפה-תגובה-שיעור
Шведська SprÃ¥k-Kommentar-Lektion
Російська Язык-провести-урок
Хорватська Jezik-komentar-lekcija
Грецька Γλώσσα-σχόλιο-μάθημα
Данська Sprog-kommentere-lektion
Угорська Nyelv-magyaràzat-lecke
Гінді à¤ªà¤¾à¤  की टिप्पणीमें इस्तेमाल की गई भाषा
Корейська 언어-설명-수업
Чеська Jazyk-komentování-lekce
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